
by Mark Hofer Mark Hofer No Comments

“Engineer, yes… but which flavor?”

Art without engineering is dreaming. Engineering without art is calculating.

– Steven Roberts

“I want to be an engineer.” As an educator, scientist and most recently as an educational and college consultant, I have heard this steadfast phrase repeated by misguided teenagers more times over the last two decades than you can possibly imagine. In that time I have untangled this resounding statement with students, and a consistent pattern has emerged. Read more

by Mark Hofer Mark Hofer No Comments

Mind The Gap!

The reality of making a four-year commitment to a university has never been more… intimidating. The costs and long-term obligations associated with college are not to be taken lightly and many students are not ready to dive into four years of intense – and specific – academic studies. In many cases teens have not come to terms with the college muse…yet.

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by Mark Hofer Mark Hofer No Comments

Adolescents and Disc Brakes

“Teenagers have remarkable accelerators and very poor brakes.”
– Laurence Steinberg, author of  Age of Opportunity: Lessons from the New Science of Adolescence

Any truly insightful list of great engineering inventions must include the automotive disc brake. Towards the end of the 1960’s cars had become so wonderfully powerful that the gadgetry summoned to stop all that intoxicating momentum and aggression became quickly and deceptively inefficient. But the advent of the disc brake provided a life saving buffer between all that instantaneous acceleration and safely restraining all that treacherous momentum. Read more

by Mark Hofer Mark Hofer No Comments

Common Facts We All Know

  • Hemingway wrote War and Peace.
  • Peeing on a jellyfish sting will alleviate the pain.
  • Your hair and nails continue to grow after you die.
  • Handling a baby bird will make its mother reject it.
  • The Earth revolves around the Sun.
  • Baby giraffes can run a mile immediately after birth.
  • You can use baking soda in place of baking powder…just use twice as much.
  • Graduating from an Ivy League college is the gateway to personal and professional success, becoming friends with future-famous people, early retirement, beautiful children and eating all the ice cream you want without ever getting fat.

We all know these things to be patently true. Unfortunately, they are all completely false and perpetuated myths. Except for the baking soda. Everyone knows that’s true. Read more

Your College Matters