Red Bricks and Fountains – The Carolina Schools

by Mark Hofer

Red Bricks and Fountains – The Carolina Schools

by Mark Hofer

by Mark Hofer

Yes, there is a Greenville, North Carolina as well as a Greenville, South Carolina. Who knew? After learning that important geographical lesson, I visited nine colleges and universities in those fine states last week. I also found out that Tennessee didn’t want to be left out of the competition and they too have Greeneville, Tennessee. There should there be a law against such overzealous use of a single town name.

While walking the campuses of Duke, Elon, Furman, Queens and Wake Forrest in the Carolinas, one quickly identifies three things that southern colleges take great pride in: gorgeous red brick architecture, impressive fountains, and incredibly manicured green spaces. In addition, if you are not from the south, you cannot help but notice a certain formality to social interactions that the west coast does not practice with the same fervor. “Please” and “Thank You” are integral – and expected – parts of nearly every interaction and not holding the door for others is inconceivable. Southern California may ooze being laid back, but the South has it beat hands down for basic manners.

While phrases like “Oh, you’re from away” and “Doesn’t that get on your very last nerve,” may seem foreign at first, they quickly work into your own statements. In addition, the students, professors and admissions representatives I spoke with were some of the politest and genuinely warm people I have found on any campus. Nowhere was this more clearly demonstrated than during my continued quest for the ultimate grilled cheese sandwich while on the Queens University campus in Charlotte.

When I enquired about my favorite academic comfort food I was told, “Go to the Lion’s Den. They will make you one.” You can imagine my disappointment when I arrived only to find there was no grilled cheese sandwich listed on the menu, so I inquired and was answered with, “Why sure. What would you like? I’ll make it any way you would like.” Now that is a reason to go to school in the south!

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