Too Young to Think About College!

by Mark Hofer

Too Young to Think About College!

by Mark Hofer

by Mark Hofer

“An eighth-grader should not be thinking about college. They should be focused on being a kid.”

I have heard variations of this statement for years, and as an educator and developmental psychologist, I completely agree. Kids should have the opportunity to be kids. But what if we change this conversation?

What if the opportunities, experiences, and conversations that middle-school students engage in also prepare them, intentionally, for college… and beyond? What if college is approached as just one point along the continuum leading to adulthood? Then yes, developing students before high school becomes a natural and healthy part of that development spectrum.

As college admission becomes increasingly competitive schools recognize that the most successful applicants have actually been preparing and thinking about college for more than eighteen months. Admissions evaluations now include an assessment of “niceness” (no, I”m not kidding) and schools look for evidence of social awareness and respect, things like saying “please” and “thank you,” which are cultivated over years of practice, not learned in a weekend workshop. If the goal is to provide appropriate cognitive challenges and opportunities that celebrate the luxury of being a kid and having fun, then why not focus on a long-term goal… like college, and adulthood?

There is no instant path to successfully applying to college. There just isn’t. There are many steps in the college application process that are accomplished over time and require varying amounts of effort. There aren’t any silver bullets. There are no quick fixes. A student’s college application cannot be saved in a few days… even if parents pay an obscene amount of money. The best approach is a thoughtful, appropriate and intentional series of experiences – some academic, some social, some cognitive – that start even earlier than high school. Entertaining the mind of a third-grader with the right questions during a walk through the zoo can easily inspire a future biology major. But there are also non-academic skills and behaviors that build character and are equally, if not more, important for long-view education goals.

Reflection, goal-setting, empathy, and self-regulation are skills that can be practiced at any age. Colleges know these skills are also associated with self-driven and highly successful students. Subsequently, these same behaviors provide students with a foundation to be internally-driven/directed and seek out healthy challenges.

I have met a handful of eighth graders who are more prepared to discuss long-term goals like college than 90% of the junior high school students I work with. While such students are rare they provide overwhelming evidence that students who have intentionally been asked to reflect and think responsibly – while also enjoying the time before life becomes too serious – are much better prepared to address important choices like college… when the time comes.

For more about intentionally and respectfully preparing students for college and life, I highly recommend: Ready, Willing, and Able: A Developmental Approach to College Access and Success.  By Mandy Savitz-Romer and Suzanne Bouffard

Your College Matters